Why Chefs Are Obsessed with ‘Nduja – And You Should Be Too!

Somewhere between a salami and a spread, ‘nduja is the ingredient that’s tricky to pronounce but easy to love (and just so you know, it’s “en-DOO-ya”). 

This spicy Italian spreadable sausage is spiked with chilis and hails from Calabria in southern Italy, and “Because it is so soft and practically melts when warm, it’s possible you’ve enjoyed ‘nduja in dishes before, without being able to pinpoint exactly where that ever-so-slightly funky, meaty taste was coming from”, according to Serious Eats

Recently, professional home chefs have been leaning more and more into this wonderfully salty and spicy ingredient, largely thanks to just how versatile it is.

“Asking how to use ‘nduja is a lot like asking how to use chili crisp or XO sauce. The answer is that you can—and probably should—be incorporating this stuff into almost everything you cook. Because of its texture, and its tendency to essentially dissolve when it comes into contact with heat, ‘nduja is uniquely easy to mix into dishes both at the beginning and end of cooking”, says Serious Eats. 

In short, this is an ingredient that can be used to transform such a huge range of your everyday dishes and give them a spicy new lease of life and a rich, meaty flavour. 

Fancy giving it a try? 

Here are 16 ideas to explore for dinner… 

1. Amp Up Your Pizza Game: Enhance your pizza with dollops of ‘nduja for an Italian twist. The heat from the oven will melt the ‘nduja, allowing it to infuse with the cheese and tomato sauce, creating a tantalisingly spicy and smoky flavour.

2. Transform Your Pasta Sauce: Stir a spoonful of ‘nduja into your favourite pasta sauce. Whether it’s a classic marinara or a cream-based sauce, the ‘nduja will add a complex layer of spice that pairs beautifully with pasta of all shapes and sizes.

nduja pasta

3. Elevate Your Eggs: Mix ‘nduja into scrambled eggs or an omelette for a bold breakfast-for-dinner option. The ‘nduja not only adds heat but also imparts a sumptuous umami taste that will start your day with a punch of flavour. 

4. Create a Spicy Spread: Combine ‘nduja with softened butter or cream cheese to create a spread with a kick. Slather it on toast, bagels, or sandwiches for a quick and easy flavour upgrade.

5. Enrich Your Stews and Soups: A little ‘nduja goes a long way in stews and soups. Add it to a pot of lentil soup, minestrone, or beef stew for an unexpected hint of spice and a touch of Calabrian tradition.

beef stew with nduja

6. Boost Your Bruschetta: Redefine bruschetta by spreading ‘nduja on grilled slices of bread, then topping with fresh tomatoes, basil, and a drizzle of olive oil. The contrast of the spicy ‘nduja with the cool tomatoes is a real taste sensation.

7. Revolutionise Your Roasted Vegetables: Before roasting, toss vegetables like potatoes, carrots, or cauliflower with ‘nduja. As they cook, the ‘nduja will melt and coat the veggies in a spicy, meaty glaze.

8. Jazz Up Your Grilled Cheese: Take the classic grilled cheese sandwich to the next level by adding a spread of ‘nduja between the slices of bread before grilling. The ‘nduja will melt into the cheese, creating a molten core of spicy, cheesy goodness.

grilled cheese nduja

9. Spice Up Seafood: ‘Nduja pairs remarkably well with seafood. Try blending it into a sauce for mussels or clams, or mix it with breadcrumbs to stuff into squid or top off a piece of fish before baking.

10. Reinvent Your Roast: Rub ‘nduja over a chicken or pork roast before cooking to infuse the meat with its spicy, smoky flavour. As the meat cooks, the ‘nduja will render and baste the roast in its flavourful oils.

11. Enhance Your Hummus: Mix ‘nduja into your homemade hummus for a spicy twist on the classic dip. Serve with pita chips, crudité, or spread on a wrap for a Mediterranean meal with a Calabrian kick.

hummus with nduja

12. Make a Memorable Mayo: Combine ‘nduja with mayonnaise to create a spicy, creamy condiment that’s perfect for sandwiches, burgers, or as a dip for fries and sweet potato wedges.

13. ‘Nduja Deviled Eggs: Add ‘nduja to your deviled egg filling for an appetiser that packs a punch. The creamy yolk mixture will balance the heat, making these eggs a hit at any gathering.

14. Skewer Some Spicy Kebabs: Work ‘nduja into ground meat mixtures for kebabs, or simply smear it onto chicken or vegetable skewers before grilling for a spicy glaze.

chicken nduja kebabs

15. Bake into Breads: Incorporate bits of ‘nduja into bread dough before baking for a spicy surprise in every bite. Imagine tearing into a fresh loaf to find pockets of savoury, spicy ‘nduja.

16. Perk Up Your Potatoes: Mix ‘nduja into mashed potatoes or a potato hash to give an ordinary side dish an extraordinary twist. The heat of the ‘nduja will permeate the potatoes, making for a side that steals the show.

nduja potato hash

If you love experimenting with new ingredients, you’ll also enjoy reading what to do with chili oil