Kimchi Crazy: Uncover the Secret to Delicious Dinners with Korea’s Superfood

Kimchi, the fiery fermented staple of Korean cuisine, has taken the global food scene by storm. This spicy, tangy, and slightly sweet side dish is not only packed with probiotics but also bursting with flavour, and it’s of huge cultural significance in Korea.

Hyungsoo Yim, a chef at the Institute of Traditional Korean Food, told the BBC that kimchi isn’t “just food—it’s a kind of Korean soul“.

Traditionally made from napa cabbage and a variety of seasonings, including gochugaru (Korean red pepper flakes), garlic, ginger, and fish sauce, kimchi adds a kick to any meal.

But kimchi’s versatility extends far beyond its role as a simple condiment or a side dish for spooning over as a last-minute thought. If you’ve got a jar in the fridge, it’s your passport to transforming such a wide range of everyday dinners.

Whether it’s homemade kimchi or you’re using a readymade variety, here’s how you can incorporate this zesty ingredient into your cooking to spice up your everyday meals…

1. Kimchi Pancakes (Kimchijeon): Whip up a batch of kimchijeon, or kimchi pancakes, for a quick and savoury snack. Mix chopped kimchi into a simple batter of flour, water, and egg, then pan-fry until crispy. These pancakes are perfect for sharing and can be dipped in a soy sauce-based dipping sauce for an extra layer of flavour.

2. Kimchi Fried Rice: Transform leftover rice into a mouthwatering dish with kimchi. Fry up some kimchi and onions, add rice, and toss everything together. Top it off with a fried egg and a sprinkle of sesame seeds for a satisfying meal that’s both easy and delicious.

kimchi fried rice

3. Kimchi Grilled Cheese Sandwich: Give your classic grilled cheese a Korean twist by adding a generous layer of kimchi between the slices of cheese. The gooey, melted cheese paired with the tangy crunch of kimchi creates an irresistible combination.

4. Kimchi Tacos: Infuse Mexican cuisine with Korean flavors by adding kimchi to your tacos. Whether you’re using fish, beef, chicken, or tofu, the addition of kimchi provides a spicy zest that complements the other fillings beautifully.

kimchi fish tacos

5. Kimchi Stew (Kimchi Jjigae): One of the most beloved Korean dishes, kimchi jjigae is a hearty stew that’s ideal for cold days. Simmer kimchi with tofu, pork, or seafood in a flavourful broth. Serve with a bowl of steamed rice for a comforting and warming meal.

6. Kimchi Pasta: For an unconventional pasta dish, toss your favourite noodles with kimchi, garlic, and a little olive oil. This one’s perfect for a midweek meal when your fridge is looking bare and you don’t fancy a trip to the supermarket. Alternatively, amp things up a little by trying this creamy kimchi pasta recipe, with the addition of bacon, heavy cream, and plenty of Parmesan cheese. 

kimchi pasta

7. Kimchi Burger: Elevate your burger game by topping your patty with a generous scoop of chopped kimchi. The crunchy, spicy condiment adds a new dimension to the classic American dish and pairs wonderfully with melted cheese and a toasted bun.


8. Kimchi and Sausage Stir-Fry: Combine the smoky flavours of sausage with the pungent taste of kimchi in a simple stir-fry. Add vegetables like bell peppers and onions for a colourful and nutritious dish that’s bursting with flavour.

9. Kimchi Omelette: Start your day with a kick by adding kimchi to your morning omelette – or create a fiery twist on breakfast-for-dinner. The tangy and spicy flavours of kimchi complement the fluffy eggs and can be balanced with cheese, scallions, and mushrooms for a filling breakfast.

kimchi omelette

10. Kimchi Quesadillas: Fuse Korean and Mexican cuisines by creating a kimchi quesadilla. Spread kimchi and cheese between tortillas and grill until crispy. The result is a unique and tasty meal with a spicy twist.

11. Kimchi Hummus: Blend kimchi into your homemade hummus for an unexpected flavour boost. This fusion dip will be a hit at parties, offering a Korean spin on the classic Mediterranean spread.

kimchi hummus

12. Kimchi Ramen: Upgrade your instant ramen by adding kimchi to the broth. The sour and spicy notes of kimchi will enhance the soup’s flavor and provide an extra layer of complexity.

13. Kimchi Mac and Cheese: Combine the comfort of mac and cheese with the bold taste of kimchi for an unforgettable dish. The creamy cheese sauce and tangy kimchi are a match made in culinary heaven.

kimchi mac and cheese

14. Kimchi Potato Salad: Give your potato salad a zesty upgrade by mixing in some chopped kimchi. The acidity and heat from the kimchi cut through the richness of the potatoes and mayonnaise for a refreshing side dish.

15. Kimchi and Avocado Toast: For a trendy and nutritious breakfast, mash avocado on toast and top with strips of kimchi. Drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds for added texture and taste.

kimchi avocado toast

Want to explore more about kimchi? You’ll enjoy these guides: